Monday 6 August 2018

How Smart Weighing Solutions Help Boost Trucking Efficiency

Modern weigh-in-motion truck scales are designed to deliver accurate results in real-time. This ensures that the truck stays safe on the road and runs at peak efficiency. Truck scales also help fleet owners ensure compliance with DOT regulations according to which trucks should not bypass a weigh station and strictly adhere to weight restrictions. Weighing trucks on truck scales have several benefits like reduced fuel consumption, truck driver’s safety, enhanced tire performance, cost-effective operations, and safe vehicle handling.

Installing truck scales on site eliminates guesswork and helps boost trucking efficiency by avoiding the possibility of eccentric loading and minimizing high impact loads. Their unmatched accuracy prevents overloading fines and fatal accidents while enabling fleet owners to ensure streamlined operations and timely delivery. Different types of truck scales are available on the market to ensure optimal payload management in different applications. From full-length and on-board to weighbridge and axle-pad, every model comes with customized design features to deliver accurate results at the point of loading.